Startup Hiring: The first 3 Roles You Need to Fill

By Alishba Agha 
| April 29, 2022

Once your startup kicks off and you finally start making some money, it’s time to expand your team and hire employees. Startup hiring is easier said than done, especially if you want to hire from the top and expand horizontally.

According to Glassdoor, a company spends approximately $4000 and almost a month to hire a new employee. However, if you’re not sure about spending too much money as a startup, it’s better not to rush the process and make sure you vet your candidates before hiring them.

Most of your initial team will meet your business’s specific needs, but all your employees and team members should have some key qualities like experience, flexibility, and reliability.
Here are the most important roles to fulfill when startup hiring.

Business development manager
This person will help you grow your startup and expand your marketing and sales functions by building key relationships with other businesses and increasing revenue. They also look for new business opportunities within the organization and other companies. They find more ways to reach other markets and appeal to your target audience. If a competitor introduces a new product or service, the business development manager will ensure your product is marketed better and sets you apart from the rest.

Product manager
Make startup hiring easier for yourself by getting a product manager on board who takes care of everything from product strategy to vision and development. This individual will work closely with the product engineers and marketer to ensure your product gets the visibility it needs.
Getting a product manager on board allows you to shift your focus on running the business and thinking about the bigger picture. It changes how you feel about your product, especially when training them.

Customer service representative
Customer service and experience are the most important aspects of ensuring your startup succeeds and building brand loyalty with your consumers. This person will ensure you have a consistently positive relationship with your customers, so hire carefully. Even if your product or service is the best in the market, if you’re not communicating that to your customers and clients correctly, you’re doing yourself a disservice. When hiring for your startup, make sure you have a professional answering all calls, concerns and questions.

You might want to consider other roles when startup hiring will vary depending on your business model and product. Looking for expert tech talent, creative professionals and other top freelance talents? Sign up on Synerge and grow your team.

Synerge connects freelance experts with startups.

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